Thursday, December 6, 2018

How to make a dove


White cup cake cases

Blue card


Glue stick

Small piece of yellow/orange card


Take 2 paper cases and fold them in 1/2

Cut the cases in half

Use 3 of them to make the body and wings of your dove

Arrange them on the card then glue into place

Fold the remaining 1/2 in 1/2 (1/4)

Add this to make the tail

Cut a small triangle for the beak from the orange/yellow card  and add to your dove

Use a pen to mark the dove’s eye

Peace posters 

This term we have been looking at peace and war. To finish our inquiry we had to 

make a poster on peace and explain what we had chosen to put on our poster and why.

Here are our posters. We all included an acrostic poem about peace and most of us

chose a symbol that represents the campaign against nuclear disarmament. We chose

this after hearing and watching the story of Sadako. Some of us also chose to put a dove

on our poster as this is also a symbol for peace.