Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

In Room 3 this week we have been reading the narrative The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We decided to make character masks and act out the story. This has helped to improve our oral language skills and confidence. We really enjoyed taking part.

My Movie 7 from Marie Hiddleston on Vimeo.

Room 3 The Three Billy Goats Gruff from Marie Hiddleston on Vimeo.

Room 3 The Three Billy Goats Gruff from Marie Hiddleston on Vimeo.

Room 3 narrative from Marie Hiddleston on Vimeo.

Room 3 from Marie Hiddleston on Vimeo.


Chantal Millward said...

Hello Room 3

I like the way you acted out the story. You are really good at talking using different voices. Last term we were learning to write a narrative using paragraphs. Keep up the great work. Room 1 really enjoyed your video.

From Room 1

Pranav said...

hello my name is pranav i really like your acting it looks like a lot of fun nice work

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is ad advarn it i love all your hard work