Friday, May 31, 2013

Zane and Abdurrahim Work it Out

We were given 100 leaves, with our leaves we made groups of 5. Then we counted our groups of 5, it takes 20 groups of 5 to make one hundred.

What will 100 Shared into Four Look Like?

After putting our 100 leaves into 2 equal groups. Each group had 50 leaves. We put our 50's into 2 equal groups we got twenty five. We now know that a quarter of 100 is 25.

Halving our Leaves

When we got 100 leaves we put them into 2 equal groups. Each group had 50 leaves. We now know that half of 100 is 50.

The Pyramid

Daitynce and me decided to make a pyramid with our leaves. First I drew it on a piece of paper to work out how many leaves we would need on each line of the pyramid. it took us 21 leaves to make our pyramid.

How Long Are 100 Leaves

Me and Gloria used uni-blocks to cover the whole 100 leaves. First we had to line our leaves edge to edge to 100, then put the uni-blocks beside them in 5’s. then we counted how many uni-blocks it took. We put our fives into groups of 100 it took 300 hundreds and one more five which equals 305 uni-blocks to measure the length of 100 leaves.

Two Men in a Rocket

It took us 95 leaves to make our rocket and if we made two rockets it would make it 190 leaves.I made the rocket with Affonso he is a good helper.

The Leaf Heart

Hi my name is Awantika yesterday Anasiale and Yazmine and me
Made a heart and It took 70 leaves to
Make a heart . We noticed that our heart was symmetrical and that if folded in half each side would be exactly the same. Half of our heart would take 35 leaves.


It took us 30 leaves to make our person.
We made our person with leaves.
It took us 3 minutes to make our person. If we had made two people it would have taken 60 leaves because double 30 is 60.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The heart

Hi my name is Tiava today I made a heart With a rectangle as a back ground.
I made it out of 32 leaves and it took me 3 minutes to make it.

Making Groups of Ten

Today Me and my friend Jericho made one hundred leaves. We did this by counting in groups of ten. We now know that 10 lots of 10 make 100.

The Rectangle that Grew

I made a rectangle it went from smallest to biggest. It took 42 leaves to make my picture.
Maree Rose

Rocket power

Hi me and Liam made a giant rocket with lots of leaves it took us around fifth teen minutes. It took us one hundred leaves to make our rocket.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Our Special Day

On Friday at assembly we were awarded a certificate. Every day we have been going to see either Mrs Martin or Mrs Salmon to improve our reading skills.
But now we have finished the course Mr Johnston presented us with a certificate and a gold cup.
We all feel very proud.