Monday, March 10, 2014

Caen Road

We had to sort our houses and then explain why we decide to put them like we did. Super girl power made a pattern by starting with a tall house followed by a short house and continued this pattern until the end of the road.


Mengchun said...

Hi Super girl power

I like how you sort your houses like that. I'd love to live on Caen Road! How about making more colour patterns next time?

Isabella said...

Hi Room 4
I like it how you sorted out our houses. I'm so happy you did Caen road because I live on Caen road.
Keep up the great work.

Tatiana said...

Hi room 4 i love you houses on Caen road i wished i lived in one of the houses and nice colours room 4 i love that house that says love it is very dreamy and colorful and beautiful keep the good work up room 4