Thursday, December 13, 2012

My Guy Fawkes Poster, From Inotia.A.

I made a Guy Fawkes Poster with my team. I learned that During the days before Bonfire Night children used to take their home made guys out on the street and ask for a penny for the guy for fireworks . I learned a poem for guy Fawkes the poem is like this remember remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot. We see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot!" .We do things because were remembering when the king of England James I and the house of Parliament were nearly blown
up with gunpowder. I really enjoyed making a Guy Fawkes poster with my team. I was really worried that our poster was going to be messy. We were writing in our neatest so others could understand what we're writing. There were six kids in my team.

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